Vote YES to an elected School Board in Hanover
Yes to giving Hanover citizens a voice
Yes to more accountability and better school board leadership
Yes to putting our students and families first
“Shall the method of selecting the school board be changed from appointment by the governing body to direct election by the voters?”
The question above will appear on the ballot in Hanover County this fall. Voting YES expresses your desire to change the Hanover County School Board from appointed by the county Board of Supervisors to election by all county voters.
Vote YES to an elected School Board in Hanover
Yes to giving Hanover citizens a voice
Yes to more accountability and better school board leadership
Yes to putting our students and families first
“Shall the method of selecting the school board be changed from appointment by the governing body to direct election by the voters?”
The question above will appear on the ballot in Hanover County this fall. Voting YES expresses your desire to change the Hanover County School Board from appointed by the county Board of Supervisors to election by all county voters.